
2011 – 2012

CAPPS joins groups opposing private prison bill

Privatization | January 2013 Senate Bill 878, which authorizes the operation of private prisons in Michigan, was signed by Governor Snyder on January 11, 2012, despite serious concerns raised by unions representing corrections employees and advocates for corrections reforms. A private prison near Baldwin that is owned by the Geo Group, based in Florida, is [...]

SB 1214 stalls after amendment

Issue background | CAPPS In the 2011-2012 legislative session, Sen. Rick Jones, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, introduced SB 1214. The bill would have added the Attorney General to the list of parties who can appeal a decision to grant parole, along with the county prosecutor and the victim. However, thanks to CAPPS and [...]

2018-03-29T14:41:32-04:00September 30th, 2012|Categories: 2011 - 2012, Bill Analysis, Legislation, Legislative Session, Parole, Publication Type, Topic|

Testimony before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of Corrections FY 2011 budget

By Mike Reagan, president, Association of Substance Use, Conditions, Prevention and Treatment Providers Organization (ALSAO), March 2010 From the testimony: “The tragedy is that we know how to stop spinning this costly and inhumane revolving door. It starts with acknowledging the fact that addiction is a disease for which evidence-based prevention and treatment programs exist [...]