Prison programs | CAPPS Research | 2005
Penny-Wise and Pound Foolish, published jointly by CAPPS and the American Friends Service Committee, is still relevant to today’s debates on how to cut corrections costs.
Assaultive and sex offenders must complete specified treatment programs before parole will be granted. However, the MDOC routinely fails to provide timely access to those programs. As a result, people are commonly denied parole because they were unable to complete a required program, costing prisoners years of their lives and taxpayers millions of dollars.
Read>> Executive Summary: Penny wise & pound foolish
Read>> Penny wise & pound foolish
Additional resources:
Read>> The Assaultive Offender Program – a current report
CAPPS Consensus, Fall 2006
Read>> Measure targets Catch-22 mess over course required by inmates
The Daily Oakland Press, web-posted May 31, 2005
Read>> Bill may cut $7 million from prison budget
It would end the practice of keeping prisoners until they complete therapy By Gary Heinlein,The Detroit News, April 24, 2005
Read>> Study says prison treatment program inefficient
Gongwer, April 21, 2005
Read>> Bill wouldn’t allow parole to depend on treatment
By Amy F. Bailey, The Associated Press, 4/20/2005