1. Protect public safety
Do not release individual prisoners who present a demonstrable threat to the public in general or to any particular person
Provide evidence-based risk reduction programs to prisoners with severe behavioral problems regardless of their security classification
Maximize the opportunity to address people’s needs while they are incarcerated
Use validated risk assessment tools and objective, verifiable evidence to determine whether each person eligible for parole presents a current risk of reoffending
2. First do no harm
Do not jeopardize the health or safety of prisoners or staff by worsening conditions in
prisons that are already overcrowded
Do not place prisoners at higher security classifications than are necessary
Do not “max out” any prisoner directly from segregation or maximum security
Eliminate expensive and often counterproductive restrictions on probationers and
parolees; tailor conditions of supervision to each individual’s actual risks and needs.
3. Treat prisons as a scarce resource
Incarcerate only people who present an ongoing risk to public safety or whose crimes require the harshest punishment
Do not sentence people to prison who do not meet one of these criteriaDo not use prison to deliver services that could be community-based, whether it is mental health or substance abuse treatment, education or the care of people who are aging or medically fragile.
- Do not keep people in prison longer than a court has determined appropriate for punishment or than is necessary because of current risk
- Do not return parolees to prison unless their conduct demonstrates that any level of community supervision would pose a danger to the public
4. Follow the research
Undertake or identify relevant research; do not avoid seeking answers because they may not fit preconceptions
Use credible research to develop policies, even when it contradicts popular assumptions
Require all opposition to cost-saving measures to be justified by credible evidence
Routinely evaluate all programs, services and contracts for quality and efficiency
5. Innovate
Be willing to experiment with non-traditional programs or practices
Seek common interests with non-traditional allies
Find ways to supplement corrections resources through other government agencies, higher education, private foundations, non-profits and volunteers
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