Over 100 CAPPS supporters from across Michigan met with their legislators – in their offices, outside House and Senate sessions and over lunch. Above: CAPPS members fill both sides of the south legislative gallery.

We will upload more pictures and provide details about NEXT STEPS in the coming week.

Click here for the program details: Program September 17 2014

Please join us in thanking our cosponsors, including:


American Friends Service Committee

Church of the Servant Prisoners in Christ

Citizens for Prison Reform 

CRCNA Office of Social Justice

Crossroad Bible Institute

Grassroots Midwest

Flint Area Congregations Together (FACT)

Humanity for Prisoners

The Micah Center Beyond Prisons Group

Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency

Michigan League for Public Policy

Michigan United

Restorative Justice Coalition of West Michigan

Woodside Church Outreach and Social Action