CAPPS works closely with the California-based Alliance for Safety and Justice (ASJ), which is organizing crime survivors in support of new safety priorities. ASJ is a national organization that partners with state-based organizations like CAPPS to help advance state reform.

ASJ conducted an in depth survey on the views of crime survivors called Crime Survivors Speak. It is the first national report on victims’ views on safety and justice. The survey found that victims of crime support rehabilitation and prefer investments in crime prevention and treatment to more spending on prisons and jails.

Key findings included in the report:

  • One in 4 people have been the victim of a crime and of those half have been the victim of a violent crime.
  • Two out of 3 crime victims did not receive help after the incident and of those who did receive help, support came from families and friends.
  • By a margin of 3 to 1 crime victims prefer holding people accountable through options beyond prison, such as rehabilitation, mental health treatment, drug treatment, community supervision, or community service.

For the full report and more findings click here.

You can visit the Alliance for Safety and Justice at

Click here for the PDF: Crime Survivors Speak Report