The Senate package is a set of criminal justice bills spearheaded by John Proos (R – Saint Joseph), with a number of legislators as sponsors of individual bills. The package was quickly passed on February 2 in the Senate within two weeks of being introduced. Click here to read CAPPS full analysis of the Senate Package.
The House Michigan Competitiveness Committee heard testimony on February 8 on the 20 bill criminal justice package. CAPPS provided testimony at the Feb 8 hearing. Click here to download full testimony. One of Senator Proos’s key concerns is the rate that people under supervision — probation or parole — end up in prison. CAPPS testimony focused on SB 16 a bill to address inconsistencies in parole sanctions. CAPPS is currently conducting research on parole technical violators and will be releasing findings later this year.
CAPPS will continue to follow these bills closely and provide up to date analysis throughout the process.