Want to connect with others who are ready to reform the criminal justice system? Interested in learning how to be a more effective communicator when you meet with your elected officials? Do you want to hear the latest updates on the work to bring Clean Slate legislation to Michigan?
Get your calendar out, because there will be several opportunities in August to do all of these.
You’re invited to attend any of the three Clean Slate Regional Convenings that we will be holding with our partners JustLeadershipUSA and Nation Outside, along with local co-sponsors. All of these events are free to attend, but in order to ensure we have enough materials and refreshments for everyone, we ask that you please register.
These events are a great opportunity for you to learn more about Clean Slate, to network with others passionate about criminal justice reform and to bring about positive change. Just as importantly, we need your help.
When we introduce Clean Slate legislation at the Capitol this fall, we’ll work hard to show legislators understand why they need to pass these important reforms. It’s one thing to hear it from us. It means so much more when they hear it directly from people who have been directly impacted by the justice system. We need people who are willing to sit down with lawmakers and tell their own stories about how having a criminal record has prevented them from finding a good job or securing a safe, affordable place to live.
These regional convenings prepare you to be an effective ambassador for Clean Slate legislation.
In LANSING on Tuesday, Aug. 13, from 5-9 p.m. at the Capital Area District Library, 401 S. Capitol Ave., with ARRO Advocacy. Please RSVP here.
In MUSKEGON on Saturday, Aug. 17, from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Fresh Coast Alliance, 1128 Roberts St., with ARRO Advocacy and Fresh Coast Alliance. Please RSVP here.
In DETROIT on Tuesday, Aug. 27, from 5:30-9 p.m. at Body of Christ Church (The Kronk Gym), 9555 St. Mary’s St., with the Detroit Justice Center. Please RSVP here.
These meetings are scheduled in advance of a day of action in Lansing to be scheduled in the fall. The regional convenings will include preparation for the day of action, story-telling training and discussion about how to talk with friends, family and community members about criminal justice reform issues.
We hope to see you there!