

About Kate McCracken

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So far Kate McCracken has created 460 blog entries.

Written Testimony in support of House Bill 4556-60

On March 19, 2024, the Michigan House Standing Committee on Criminal Justice heard testimony on House Bills (HB) 4556-60. Executive Director John S. Cooper submitted written testimony to demonstrate support of the bills and urge committee members to do so as well. HB 4556-60 would create a process that could help make Michigan’s corrections system [...]

Medically Frail Reform (Senate Bill 599) Talking Points

Review the below talking points document to learn more about Medically Frail Reform (Senate Bill 599). Medically frail parole was passed with bipartisan support, with the support of the Michigan Department of Corrections and with a neutral stance from the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan in 2019. Medically frail parole is reserved for people who [...]

Safe & Just Michigan Winter 2023 edition – newsletter released

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to over 600 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> Safe & Just Michigan Winter 2023 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions. Note: Due to a [...]

Safe & Just Michigan Fall 2023 edition – newsletter released

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to approximately 540 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> Safe & Just Michigan Fall 2023 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions. Note: Due to a [...]

Automatic Expungement in Michigan FAQ

The state of Michigan implemented an automated expungement system on April 11th, 2023. The impact of this new law is still being felt throughout the state, but many still have questions about how this new law impacts them personally. Please review and share the resource below! Download>> Auto Expungement FAQ 07262023

Safe & Just Michigan Spring 2023 edition – newsletter released

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to approximately 540 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> SJM_Spring_2023_Newsletter_CORRECTION Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions. Note: Due to a Michigan Department of Corrections mailroom policy, [...]

Ronnie Waters Testimony at Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee

Ronnie Waters, Safe & Just Michigan's community engagement specialist, provided testimony of Safe & Just Michigan in support of Senate Bills 119-123 at the Senate Civil Rights, Judiciary and Public Safety Committee on April 20, 2023. Download>> Ronnie Waters Written Testimony Senate Bill 119_123

2023-04-20T16:31:28-04:00April 20th, 2023|Categories: 2023 - 2024, Juveniles, Lifers, Publication Type, Testimony, Topic, Topics|

Fact Sheet: Automatic Expungements – What you Need to Know

Prior to April 11, 2023, individuals seeking an expungement of past convictions have had to petition the courts to have those offenses expunged. This will change when the second phase of Michigan’s Clean Slate Act goes into effect on April 11, 2023, this new process will allow for convictions to be expunged through an automated [...]