
2009 – 2010

CAPPS testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on bills to reform juvenile life without parole

Juveniles | June 23, 2010  By Barbara Levine, Executive Director, Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending Excerpt from the testimony on House Bills 4518, 4594, 4595 and 4596, introduced in 2009 to address juvenile life without parole (JLWOP) reforms: “CAPPS strongly supports the elimination of life without parole sentences for any teenager. However, we [...]

CAPPS critiques CSG report: Policy options to deter crime, lower recidivism, and reduce spending on corrections

In 2009, the Council of State Governments's (CSG) Justice Policy Center provided a range of policy options for Michigan policymakers. CAPPS opposed many of these recommendations. You will find our critique of the Council of State Governments's report in the materials and testimony below.  Read>> Policy options to deter crime, lower recidivism, and reduce spending on corrections [...]