
Crime survivors

Safe & Just Michigan Fall 2023 edition – newsletter released

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to approximately 540 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> Safe & Just Michigan Fall 2023 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions. Note: Due to a [...]

Fact Sheet: Get to know Safe & Just Michigan

To learn more about Safe & Just Michigan, our one-page fact sheet. Download>> Get to know Safe & Just Michigan fact sheet

Safe & Just Michigan releases September 2018 e-newsletter

Click on the link below to read our September 27, 2018 e-newsletter. Download: Safe and Just Michigan September 2018 e-newsletter Stay connected with Safe & Just Michigan for the latest information on local, state, and national community safety and justice solutions. Sign up for our monthly electronic newsletter HERE.

Safe & Just Michigan brochure

Safe & Just Michigan, a non-profit public policy organization, envisions a Michigan in which all are safe in their communities and everyone is responsible for creating accountability, safety and justice. Download: Safe & Just Michigan brochure

CAPPS Reacts to House C.A.R.E.S. Task Force Report

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  News from the Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending Wednesday, January 17, 2018 Contact: Joshua Pugh, [email protected], 517-575-7180 CAPPS Reacts to House C.A.R.E.S. Task Force Report LANSING - Today Speaker Leonard, with House C.A.R.E.S. Task Force members, announced a renewed focus on fixing the state’s mental health system. The bipartisan Task Force released a report containing 42 [...]

Violence, accountability, and restoration: A conversation with Danielle Sered

As Danielle Sered notes in her recent report, Accounting for violence: How to increase safety and break our failed reliance on mass incarceration, since 53 percent of the people incarcerated in the U.S. were convicted of assaultive crimes we will not end mass incarceration in this country unless we address the problem of violence. On [...]

CAPPS UPDATE – July 2017 newsletter released!

Download the most recent July 2017 CAPPS Update newsletter. The newsletter reports on the House of Representatives Law and Justice Committee hearings, hosted April through June 2017, on "safe and secure rehabilitation" and criminal justice reform. Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the CAPPS e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions.

A Blueprint for Shared Safety: Working together to build safety for all

In June 2017, the Californians for Safety and Justice (CSJ) released a publication titled, Blueprint for Shared Safety. The Blueprint is based on a year of research and evaluation of its own and others’ successes in putting crime survivors and public safety at the center of their work. The Alliance for Safety and Justice (ASJ), CAPPS's partner, is [...]

The Detroit News Column: Focus on rehabilitation in prison

Column: Focus on rehabilitation in prison At the age of 10, I senselessly lost my best friend to gun violence. Even as an elementary school student, Reubin Elder represented something bigger to us. Reubin was a popular and straight-A student who tragically died in a random drive-by shooting in our Highland Park neighborhood. So much [...]

Common Justice Accounting for Violence event ready for viewing

On April 11, 2017 CAPPS Executive Director Laura Sager joined a wide range of national experts in New York for a series of panel discussions on Accounting for Violence: How to Increase Safety and Reduce Our Failed Reliance on Mass Incarceration. The event was convened by Common Justice, a program of the Vera Institute. It [...]