

Testimony in support of House Bills 4219 & HB 4220 (DUI Expugement)

On April 15, 2021, John S. Cooper, executive director of Safe & Just Michigan, submitted written testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee. SJM supports this package that will make first-time drunk driving eligible for expungement, and urges the Michigan Legislature to pass H.B. 4219-20. Download>> Testimony DUI Expungement Written Testimony Apr

Safe & Just Michigan’s written testimony on Senate Bill 1254

On December 8, 2020 Executive Director John S. Cooper submitted written testimony to the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee​​ in support of Senate Bill (SB) 1254. Cooper states in the written testimony: Safe & Just Michigan supports S.B. 1254, which will make first-time convictions for drunk driving eligible for expungement, and urges the Michigan [...]

2020-12-08T10:38:45-05:00December 8th, 2020|Categories: 2019 - 2020, Legislation, Legislative Session, Publication Type, Reentry, Testimony, Topic|

Safe & Just Michigan’s written testimony on Senate Bill 289, 290, and 291

On September 10, 2020 Policy Analyst Josh Hoe submitted written testimony to the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee​​ in opposition of Senate Bill (SB) 289, 290, and 291. Hoe states in the written testimony: There is no evidence that public registries provide a public safety benefit and a large amount of evidence that public [...]

Safe & Just Michigan’s written testimony on Clean Slate bill package presented to the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee

On June 11, 2020 Executive Director John S. Cooper submitted written testimony to the Senate Judiciary and Public Safety Committee in support  of  HB  4980 -­ 85 & 5120 (2019)​​. Excerpt: Safe & Just Michigan supports all of the expungement reform bills being considered today, but my testimony today will focus on H.B. 4980--the “automatic [...]

Safe & Just Michigan’s written testimony on House Bill 5679

On May 13, 2020 Policy Analyst Josh Hoe submitted written testimony to the House Judiciary Committee​​ in opposition of House Bill (HB) 5679. SJM states in the written testimony "any replacement registry bill that does not ensure more are removed from the registry than added cannot make Michigan safer." Download>> Written Testimony HB 5679

Safe & Just Michigan’s written testimony on Clean Slate bill package

On September 24, 2019 Executive Director John S. Cooper submitted written testimony to the House Judiciary Committee in  Support  of  HB  4980-­‐85  (2019)​​. Safe  &  Just  Michigan  supports  all  of  the  expungement  reform  bills  and the focus of the testimony is on HB 4980  –  the  automatic  expungement,  or  “clean  slate”  bill.  Michigan  already  has [...]

2019-09-24T11:18:13-04:00September 24th, 2019|Categories: 2019 - 2020, Legislation, Legislative Session, Publication Type, Reentry, Testimony, Topic|

An effective community strategy: Clean Slate

Everyone makes mistakes, but people who have served their time deserve a second chance. While laws already exist to expunge past criminal convictions, only 6.5 percent of the people eligible take advantage of the process. That’s why Safe & Just Michigan supports Clean Slate legislation, which would remove certain convictions from a person’s record and [...]

Bills expand employment opportunities in the healthcare industry

On January 30, John Cooper, CAPPS policy director, and JT Weis, CEO of Abcor Industries, testified before the House of Representatives Law and Justice Committee at the invitation of the chair, Representative Klint Kesto (R - District 39). Their testimony emphasized the need to increase the available workforce in Michigan and to remove barriers to [...]

2018-03-30T12:42:21-04:00February 15th, 2018|Categories: 2017 - 2018, Legislation, Legislative Session, Publication Type, Reentry, Testimony, Topic, Topics|

House Law and Justice Committee hears testimony on barriers to employment

On January 30, John Cooper, CAPPS policy director, testified before House of Representatives Law and Justice Committee, at the invitation of the chair, Representative Klint Kesto (R – District 39). Cooper provided testimony in support of HB 5450, 5451, and 5452, which would eliminate overbroad restrictions on the talent pool available to health care providers, and promote [...]

2018-04-03T14:05:54-04:00February 2nd, 2018|Categories: 2017 - 2018, Legislation, Legislative Session, Publication Type, Reentry, Testimony, Topic|