


The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (ACLU), together with Safe & Just Michigan and the American Friends Service Committee, are urging the Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) and the state’s 83 county sheriffs to protect the health of the people in their custody and their staff by adopting proactive, evidence-based plans to appropriately prevent [...]

Gongwer article: Panel: ‘Get In Each Other’s Lanes’ To Aid Former Inmates In Jobs, Housing

Officials with government agencies and private organizations told stakeholders at a Thursday summit that by working together they can better help more formerly incarcerated individuals get back on their feet and lead more productive lives. More funding, whether from government or private sources, would also help according to those sitting on a panel during the [...]

2019-11-15T10:55:48-05:00November 15th, 2019|Categories: Media, Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources, Topic|

MIRS News article: Nessel Gives Detailed Expungement Bill Critique In Person

In a move not common with former Attorney Generals, AG Dana NESSEL personally appeared before the House's Judiciary Committee today to support legislation widening the universe of reformed offenders who can get convictions expunged off their records. The Democratic Attorney General wasn't just making a courtesy call. She didn't read off a sheet of talking points and [...]

2019-10-09T14:51:16-04:00October 9th, 2019|Categories: Media, Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources, Topic|

Gongwer article: Bipartisan Bills Reforming Expungement Process Coming This Week

Legislation expanding the state's expungements laws to allow residents to set aside old and low-level convictions will be introduced in the House this week, lawmakers announced in Detroit and Kalamazoo on Monday. The legislation has been in the works for much of the year and has general support of prosecutors and law enforcement (See Gongwer Michigan [...]

2019-09-10T16:22:52-04:00September 10th, 2019|Categories: Media, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources, Safe & Just Michigan, Topic|

Gongwer article: Lawmakers Planning Reforms To How Convictions Can Be Set Aside

With the underutilization of the state's current expungement process – allowing those who qualify to set aside certain convictions, which helps with gaining employment and seeing higher wages – lawmakers are looking at a variety of changes, including making it automatic. Under current Michigan law, those with one felony and no more than two misdemeanor [...]

2019-07-24T08:02:24-04:00July 16th, 2019|Categories: Media, Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources|

Gongwer article: Criminal Justice Reform A Shift From Tough-On-Crime Era Of ’80s, ’90s

A major policy shift on criminal justice laws is taking place, sweeping aside the tough-on-crime stances of the 1980s and 1990s and replacing it with an increased focus on rehabilitation, lowering recidivism and preparing offenders for life beyond a cell upon their release. Now, lawmakers are taking a step back and shifting from locking people [...]

Click on Detroit article: New law reforms parole guidelines in Michigan

A new law is expected to save Michigan taxpayers $40 million annually within five years and reduce the size of Michigan’s prison population by 1,800-2,400 beds over the same timeframe. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed House Bill 5377 into law Thursday. The new law codifies the current practice of objective parole. It sets clearer guidelines to determine whether [...]

2018-09-14T16:42:40-04:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Media, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic|

WKAR article: Law Aims To Make Parole Decisions More Fair

A new state law that went into effect on Wednesday aims to take the bias out of decisions on whether or not a prisoner should be paroled. Governor Snyder signed the bill into law on Wednesday that will put clearer guidelines into place on whether or not to allow someone in prison to return to [...]

2018-09-14T16:39:20-04:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Media, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic|

Gongwer article: Parole Legislation Reported, Passes Senate

Legislation requiring Michigan's Parole Board to provide substantial and compelling objective reasons in writing when the Department of Corrections' guidelines are not followed is heading to the governor's desk after being reported by a Senate panel Wednesday morning and passed by the full chamber in the afternoon, moving the state closer to addressing longer than [...]

2018-09-06T13:50:17-04:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: Media, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic|

MIRS article: ‘Evidence-Based’ Parole Clears Once Skeptical Senate

The once-skeptical Senate signed off this afternoon on an "evidence-based" parole reform bill that is not being opposed by the state's prosecutors and will not guarantee parole for any prisoner, even one with good behavior. HB 5377 is the rebooted version of what was once called "presumptive parole" and had stalled in the Senate in prior [...]

2018-09-06T13:49:17-04:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: Media, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic|