
Resources, Reports, and Releases

Resources, Reports, and Releases2018-06-26T13:50:53-04:00

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Safe & Just Michigan is committed to research and education that produce meaningful solutions. We often partner with and work alongside additional committed organizations and individuals that are delivering results.

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Featured Resources

Medical Co-Pays in Prison Fact Sheet

June 10th, 2024|

There are a variety of health-related costs that incarcerated Michiganders are subjected to. Co-pays for medical, dental, and optometrical visits are just one type of cost. Health care co-pays in prison have two purposes: to [...]

Juvenile Life Without Parole Fact Sheet

September 26th, 2023|

The U.S. is the only nation in the world still using this harsh sentence, and even in this country, Michigan is among a minority of states that still practice JLWOP sentencing. Learn more by reading [...]