
Resources, Reports, and Releases

Resources, Reports, and Releases2018-06-26T13:50:53-04:00

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Safe & Just Michigan is committed to research and education that produce meaningful solutions. We often partner with and work alongside additional committed organizations and individuals that are delivering results.

Learn more about Safe & Just Michigan’s most recent research, and other organizations’ work on public safety and criminal justice.

Featured Resources

Automatic Expungement in Michigan FAQ

July 26th, 2023|

The state of Michigan implemented an automated expungement system on April 11th, 2023. The impact of this new law is still being felt throughout the state, but many still have questions about how this new [...]

Safe & Just Michigan Spring 2023 edition – newsletter released

July 20th, 2023|

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to approximately 540 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> SJM_Spring_2023_Newsletter_CORRECTION Please subscribe to our mailing [...]