

SJM Testimony in support of Senate Bill 599 – Justin Counts

On June 18, 2024, Justin Counts, former Safe & Just Michigan development fellow, provided written testimony to the House Criminal Justice Committee in support of SB 599. Parole for medically frail people allows MDOC to (1) focus on its core functions (instead of complex health care needs), (2) transition medically frail people into more appropriate [...]

SJM Testimony in support of Senate Bill 599

On June 18, 2024, Executive Director John S. Cooper and Policy Advocacy Manager Jazmine testified before the House Criminal Justice Committee in support of SB 599. Parole for medically frail people allows MDOC to (1) focus on its core functions (instead of complex health care needs), (2) transition medically frail people into more appropriate care, [...]

Medically Frail Reform (Senate Bill 599) Talking Points

Review the below talking points document to learn more about Medically Frail Reform (Senate Bill 599). Medically frail parole was passed with bipartisan support, with the support of the Michigan Department of Corrections and with a neutral stance from the Prosecuting Attorneys Association of Michigan in 2019. Medically frail parole is reserved for people who [...]

Medically frail bills move on to Senate floor

Representative Dave Pagel (R – District 78) and Representative Peter Lucido (R – District 36) have sponsored legislation (HB 4101, 4102, 4103, and 5245) that permits medical parole for the medically frail. Medically frail people are unable to perform basic tasks of daily living without assistance. The bills were voted out of the House of [...]

Bill allows for parole of the medically frail

The Michigan Department of Corrections (MDOC) estimates that as many as 850 people under their supervision are medically frail. Medically frail people are unable to perform basic tasks of daily living without assistance and are often unable to get dressed, use the bathroom, or eat on their own. These people are so frail that they [...]

Medical parole bills pass the House by 95-13 on May 4; still pending in Senate Judiciary

Download>> HB 5078, 5079, 5081 written testimony After passing the House by an overwhelming bipartisan 95-13 vote, the medical parole package stalled in the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 24. Republican Senators Colbeck, Shuitmaker and Rocca cast the three “no” votes on the five-member committee. However, the Committee also agreed to reconsider the vote at [...]

Medical parole bills introduced; CAPPS testimony

In November, HB 5078-5080 were introduced in the House of Representatives and sent to the Appropriations Committee, which would allow the parole board to grant medical paroles to people who are physically or mentally incapacitated. The bills, sponsored by Reps. Pscholka, Pagel, and others, establish the process by which the parole board can consider and [...]

2018-04-04T15:10:14-04:00December 19th, 2015|Categories: 2015 - 2016, Elderly, Legislation, Legislative Session, Parole, Publication Type, Testimony, Topic|