
Fact sheet

Michigan prison system: Basic facts

This document provides an overview of Michigan’s prison system, including data about: population growth, the number of prisoners in 2012, incarceration rate, corrections spending, prisoner demographics and parole rates. In 30 years, Michigan’s prison population grew at 29 times the rate of its total population. Read>> 2013 Basic facts about Michigan's prison system

What are parole guidelines and how do they work?

The Michigan Department of Correction developed parole guidelines in 1984 to “reduce the potential for disparity in parole decisions and to explicitly define the bases upon which rational and equitable parole release decisions should be made,” according to an MDOC report. That is, they were initially conceived to make decisions more objective and consistent, not [...]

The Michigan parole process

CAPPS has long recommended a series of reforms to the parole process that would enhance the objectivity, fairness and transparency of parole decision-making. These include restoring the prisoner's right to appeal parole denials, just as prosecutors can appeal parole grants. The availability of judicial review is critical to enforcing statutory parole guidelines and any statutory [...]

Parole board and commutation process

By the State Bar of Michigan, Prisons and Corrections Section, January 8, 2011 The Prisons and Corrections Section supports legislative or other action to require that any substantive communications to or from the Board regarding parole or commutation be timely provided to the prisoner or his or her representative with a reasonable opportunity to respond. Where [...]

2018-04-11T14:43:26-04:00February 28th, 2013|Categories: Fact sheet, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic, Topics|

The Michigan parole process for lifers

More than 5,000 prisoners, 11 percent of the population, are serving either parolable or non-parolable life.  This aging population is generally very low risk and is becoming increasingly expensive to care for as health problems increase.  Although they became eligible for release after serving 10 years, hundreds of lifers who were caught by changed parole [...]

Strategies for safely reducing the prisoner population

This 2011 presentation by Barbara Levine is as relevant today as it was in 2011: Barbara Levine, Citizens Alliance on Prisons & Public Spending Presentation to: Finding the Path to a $1.5 Billion Corrections Budget A Symposium for Policymakers and Stakeholders, March 17, 2011 When the prison population has been reduced by 7,500 and the [...]