

Fact Sheet: Get to know Safe & Just Michigan

To learn more about Safe & Just Michigan, our one-page fact sheet. Download>> Get to know Safe & Just Michigan fact sheet

New CAPPS report: Paroling people who committed serious crimes: What is the actual risk?

Click here to download pdf of the full report: Paroling people who committed serious crimes: What is the actual risk? We can safely parole hundreds of people who committed very serious crimes. CAPPS's new report, using Michigan Department of Corrections data on returns to prison for new crimes, echoes decades of research in Michigan and other jurisdictions [...]

Moving Target: A Decade of Resistance to the Prison Industrial Complex

Report | Corrections spending | Reentry | Recidivism | Technology | September 2008 By the Justice Policy Institute New offender supervision strategies and technologies that can help break the cycle of recidivism. Read>> Moving Target: A Decade of Resistance to the Prison Industrial Complex

2018-04-10T16:53:00-04:00February 28th, 2013|Categories: Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Recidivism, Research report, Resources, Topic, Topics|

The effects of prison visitation on offender recidivism

Research | Recidivism | Cost cutting | Families | November 2011 By the Minnesota Department of Corrections The Minnesota Department of Corrections recently completed a study that examined the effects of prison visitation on offender recidivism. Using an average follow-up period of nearly five years, the study evaluated the relationship between prison visitation and recidivism [...]

2018-04-11T14:58:03-04:00February 28th, 2013|Categories: Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Recidivism, Research report, Resources, Topic, Topics|

Audit report: Performance of the Michigan Prisoner Reentry Initiative (MPRI), Michigan Department of Corrections

Report | Reentry | February 2012 By Thomas H. McTavish, C.P.A., Office of the Auditor General This report contains the report summary; description of services; audit objective, scope, and methodology and agency responses; comment, findings, recommendations, and agency preliminary responses; three exhibits, presented as supplemental information; and a glossary of acronyms and terms. The agency [...]

Cut prison costs the smart way

By Barbara R. Levine, executive director, Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending, guest column, Bridge Magazine, March 20, 2012 Legislators agree we should spend less on corrections, but are reluctant to make the fundamental choices – like reinstating the sentencing commission, reforming parole practices and restoring sentencing credits – that could safely reduce the prisoner [...]