

Safe & Just Michigan Spring 2024 hard copy newsletter – Released!

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to over 600 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> SJM Spring 2024 Print Newsletter  Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions. Note: Due to a Michigan Department [...]

Safe & Just Michigan Spring 2023 edition – newsletter released

Safe & Just Michigan sends this quarterly newsletter to approximately 540 incarcerated readers at the Michigan Department of Corrections. The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> SJM_Spring_2023_Newsletter_CORRECTION Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions. Note: Due to a Michigan Department of Corrections mailroom policy, [...]

Gongwer article: Criminal Justice Reform A Shift From Tough-On-Crime Era Of ’80s, ’90s

A major policy shift on criminal justice laws is taking place, sweeping aside the tough-on-crime stances of the 1980s and 1990s and replacing it with an increased focus on rehabilitation, lowering recidivism and preparing offenders for life beyond a cell upon their release. Now, lawmakers are taking a step back and shifting from locking people [...]

Safe & Just Michigan Winter 2018 edition – newsletter released

The newsletter reports on objective parole, ‘Clean Slate’ and the lame duck session. It reports on the SJM Annual Membership Meeting and dinner and provides updates on SJM outreach efforts. Download>> SJM Winter 2018 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions.

Fact Sheet: Get to know Safe & Just Michigan

To learn more about Safe & Just Michigan, our one-page fact sheet. Download>> Get to know Safe & Just Michigan fact sheet

Safe & Just Michigan releases October 2018 e-newsletter

Click on the link below to read our October 31, 2018 e-newsletter. Download: Safe & Just Michigan October 2018 e-newsletter Stay connected with Safe & Just Michigan for the latest information on local, state, and national community safety and justice solutions. Sign up for our monthly electronic newsletter HERE.

Safe & Just Michigan Fall 2018 edition – newsletter released

The newsletter reports on objective parole, 'Raise the Age' and 'Good Time' bills. It discusses the continued prison population decline and provides updates on SJM outreach efforts. Download>> SJM Fall 2018 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the CAPPS e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions.

Click on Detroit article: New law reforms parole guidelines in Michigan

A new law is expected to save Michigan taxpayers $40 million annually within five years and reduce the size of Michigan’s prison population by 1,800-2,400 beds over the same timeframe. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed House Bill 5377 into law Thursday. The new law codifies the current practice of objective parole. It sets clearer guidelines to determine whether [...]

2018-09-14T16:42:40-04:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Media, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic|

WKAR article: Law Aims To Make Parole Decisions More Fair

A new state law that went into effect on Wednesday aims to take the bias out of decisions on whether or not a prisoner should be paroled. Governor Snyder signed the bill into law on Wednesday that will put clearer guidelines into place on whether or not to allow someone in prison to return to [...]

2018-09-14T16:39:20-04:00September 13th, 2018|Categories: Media, Other, Parole, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic|