

Fact Sheet: Get to know Safe & Just Michigan

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Prison food privatization would eliminate 370 state jobs

News on the privatization of prison food services from the Lansing State Journal: LANSING — Officials said Tuesday they plan to privatize food service for 45,000 state prisoners, eliminating about 370 state jobs and saving more than $12 million a year. The Department of Corrections will contract with catering giant Aramark in a three-year deal worth [...]

2018-04-06T16:08:02-04:00April 29th, 2013|Categories: Media, Other, Privatizations, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic, Topics|

Michigan lawmakers propose privatizing some prison services

Some legislators want another bite of the privatization apple, according to this recent Detroit News article: By Gary Heinlein, Detroit News Lawmakers last year required the Corrections Department to seek bids on food service, health care and operation of prison stores, where inmates can buy items ranging from toothpaste to TVs. The department earlier this [...]

2018-04-10T15:14:38-04:00April 17th, 2013|Categories: Media, Other, Privatizations, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic, Topics|

Pitfalls and promises: The real risks to residents and taxpayers of privatizing prisons and prison services in Michigan

Report | Corrections spending | Privatization | February 15, 2012 By the Michigan Corrections Organization Private prisons look at first like an attractive idea, promising savings to cash-strapped states whose leaders are frustrated by the high cost of corrections. However, 30 years of experience show that when prisons are turned over to for-profit corporations, cost [...]

Prison management company fined heavily after U.S. probe could get Michigan deal

Look who could be getting a prison contract in Michigan: LANSING -- A private company that a federal investigation found allowed "a cesspool" of conditions to exist at a Mississippi youth prison and that paid a $1.1-million fine for understaffing New Mexico prisons could be in line to oversee Michigan inmates in the next year. [...]

2018-04-11T16:43:25-04:00December 21st, 2012|Categories: Media, Other, Privatizations, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic, Topics|

National and State Groups Urge Governor Not to Repeat Failed Prison Venture

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - December 20, 2012 Contact: Laura Sager | Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending lmsager@gmail.com | 517-325-3904 Bob Libal | Grassroots Leadership blibal@grassrootsleadership.org | 512-971-0487 National and State Groups Urge Governor Not to Repeat Failed Prison Venture LANSING, MI – A letter signed by 16 Michigan-based and national criminal justice, civil [...]

Levine: Private prison bill has many flaws, questions include cost savings, accountability

Privatization | News | Lansing State Journal guest editorial, February 26, 2012 By Barbara Levine, Executive Director, Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Spending To reduce the $2 billion budget of the Department of Corrections, the Legislature is considering whether to allow prisons operated by private contractors. Michigan’s only private prison was the Michigan Youth [...]

2018-04-12T15:22:36-04:00February 26th, 2012|Categories: Media, Other, Privatizations, Publication author, Publication Type, Resources, Topic, Topics|