

Safe & Just Michigan Fall 2019 edition – newsletter released

The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities. Download>> SJM Fall 2019 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions.

MIRS news article: Expungement Bills Move To House Floor With Small Changes

Legislation that would allow more people to set-aside qualifying crimes from their records and allow some people to see it happen automatically after 10 years was reported by the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday. The bills (HB 4980, HB 4981, HB 4982, HB 4983, HB 4984, HB 4985 and HB 5120) mostly moved on 12-1 votes with Rep. Beau LaFave (R-Iron Mountain) voting no. [...]

MIRS News article: Nessel Gives Detailed Expungement Bill Critique In Person

In a move not common with former Attorney Generals, AG Dana NESSEL personally appeared before the House's Judiciary Committee today to support legislation widening the universe of reformed offenders who can get convictions expunged off their records. The Democratic Attorney General wasn't just making a courtesy call. She didn't read off a sheet of talking points and [...]

2019-10-09T14:51:16-04:00October 9th, 2019|Categories: Media, Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources, Topic|

Gongwer article: Bipartisan Bills Reforming Expungement Process Coming This Week

Legislation expanding the state's expungements laws to allow residents to set aside old and low-level convictions will be introduced in the House this week, lawmakers announced in Detroit and Kalamazoo on Monday. The legislation has been in the works for much of the year and has general support of prosecutors and law enforcement (See Gongwer Michigan [...]

2019-09-10T16:22:52-04:00September 10th, 2019|Categories: Media, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources, Safe & Just Michigan, Topic|

Gongwer article: Lawmakers Planning Reforms To How Convictions Can Be Set Aside

With the underutilization of the state's current expungement process – allowing those who qualify to set aside certain convictions, which helps with gaining employment and seeing higher wages – lawmakers are looking at a variety of changes, including making it automatic. Under current Michigan law, those with one felony and no more than two misdemeanor [...]

2019-07-24T08:02:24-04:00July 16th, 2019|Categories: Media, Other, Publication author, Publication Type, Reentry, Resources|

Safe & Just Michigan Summer 2019 edition – newsletter released

The newsletter reports on policy updates, outreach and educational activities, and new SJM staff members. Download>> SJM Summer 2019 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions.

Gongwer article: Criminal Justice Reform A Shift From Tough-On-Crime Era Of ’80s, ’90s

A major policy shift on criminal justice laws is taking place, sweeping aside the tough-on-crime stances of the 1980s and 1990s and replacing it with an increased focus on rehabilitation, lowering recidivism and preparing offenders for life beyond a cell upon their release. Now, lawmakers are taking a step back and shifting from locking people [...]

Safe & Just Michigan Spring 2019 edition – newsletter released

The newsletter reports on ‘Clean Slate', a new SJM team member and analysis of data from the Michigan Department of Corrections. It provides updates on SJM outreach and educational efforts. Download>> SJM Spring 2019 Newsletter Please subscribe to our mailing list to receive the SJM e-newsletter on the latest legislative actions.

Safe & Just Michigan releases December 2018 e-newsletter

Click on the link below to read our December 20, 2018 e-newsletter. Download: Safe & Just Michigan December 2018 e-newsletter Stay connected with Safe & Just Michigan for the latest information on local, state, and national community safety and justice solutions. Sign up for our monthly electronic newsletter HERE.