
Corrections budget

Report: Misplaced priorities: over-incarcerate, under educate

According to the Michigan League for Public Policy, between FY 2001 and FY 2013 Michigan's spending for corrections rose by 20 percent but dropped by 38 percent for higher education. Take a look at this report: Excessive Spending on Incarceration Undermines Educational Opportunity and Public Safety in Communities  NAACP | April 2011 From the report: [...]

Michigan prison system: Basic facts

This document provides an overview of Michigan’s prison system, including data about: population growth, the number of prisoners in 2012, incarceration rate, corrections spending, prisoner demographics and parole rates. In 30 years, Michigan’s prison population grew at 29 times the rate of its total population. Read>> 2013 Basic facts about Michigan's prison system

Cutting corrections costs: Earned time policies for state prisoners

Report | Corrections spending | Sentencing | Sentencing credits | July 2009 By the National Conference of State Legislatures Under historic budget cuts, state legislatures are looking for ways to trim corrections costs while maintaining public safety. One option is to stabilize or reduce expensive prison populations by accelerating release of lower-risk inmates who complete [...]

Improving budget analysis of state criminal justice reforms: A strategy for better outcomes and saving money

By the ACLU’s Center on Budget and Policy Priorities An increasing number of states are considering criminal justice reforms proven to protect the public and produce significant cost savings. For example, some states are offering effective addiction treatment to more people convicted of drug-related crimes instead of incarcerating them. Other states are increasingly turning to [...]

The continuing fiscal crisis in corrections: Setting a new course

Report | Corrections spending | Investing in prevention | Sentencing | Parole | October 2010 (updated) By the Vera Institute In the 1980s, the number of people sent to prison or supervised on probation and parole in the United States began growing substantially. Not surprisingly, the overall cost of corrections increased as well. But an [...]

Michigan’s prison health care: Costs in context

Report | Corrections spending | Medical care | November 2010 By the Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency This paper examines whether Michigan’s spending on correctional health care indicates a failure to manage costs. It has been written with three principal goals in mind. First, the authors seek to determine whether Michigan’s correctional health care costs are [...]

The price of prisons: What incarceration costs taxpayers

Report | Corrections spending | January 2012 (updated) By the Vera Institute Persistent fiscal challenges in the United States have spurred greater scrutiny of government spending. States’ corrections expenditures, which have nearly quadrupled over the past two decades, are receiving considerable attention. These circumstances make it crucial for policy makers and the public to understand [...]

Corrections budget: A failure to plan for the future

Report | Corrections spending | Investing in prevention | February 2012 By the Michigan League for Human Services Our priorities as a state are reflected every year in the enacted state budget. Investing in our communities on the front end benefits everyone by working toward an educated workforce, reliable infrastructure, safe neighborhoods and healthy families. [...]